5-STAR Fantasy / Sci-Fi

Saturday, November 21, 2020

New Indie Book Release: The Trafficking Murders (Brian O’Hare)

New Indie Book Release:
The Trafficking Murders - Brian O’Hare 
Mystery / Thriller  (308 Pages - October 2020)

The Trafficking Murders is a murders mystery thriller with the second-biggest international crime as a general background – human trafficking. 

“Thought-provoking, emotional, and gut-wrenching. An exceptional crime-thriller and a must-read for any thriller lover.” - Reader Review

About the Book

The Trafficking Murders (Brian O’Hare)
Click to Read an Excerpt
Lin Hui and Cheung Mingzhu win scholarships to study at Queen’s University in Belfast. Alina Balauru departs a poor farm in Romania for well-paid work in Northern Ireland. Three lives harbouring long-cherished dreams. Three lives headed for tragedy.  
Sheehan and his Serious Crimes Unit discover the body of one of the young women in the garden of an upmarket residence. 

Confronted with violent Chinese racketeers, brutal human-traffickers and a fiendishly clever killer called The Shadow, they are baffled by a case that seems to lead in two entirely different directions. 

Can they find out who The Shadow is in time to save the other two victims? 

About the Author

Author Brian O’Hare
Author Brian O’Hare
Brian O’Hare,
 MA, Ph.D., is a retired assistant director of a large regional college of further and higher education. He is married, has three children, ten grandchildren, one great-grandchild. He plays golf three times a week and does a lot of voluntary work. Any writing he has previously done was academic. He had a liver disease since childhood which resulted in his taking early retirement a number of years ago. In 2002 he had a liver transplant but is strong and healthy now. He continued to do academic writing well into his retirement. 

Brian O’Hare has also written a number of fiction novels. His first was Fallen Men, a contemporary novel set in Ireland, which won Top Medalist Honors in the General Fiction Category of the prestigious New Apple Awards for Excellence in Literature. 
 He is currently writing the award-winning The Inspector Sheehan Mysteries Series, full-length detective novels set in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Five books in the series have been written so far: The Doom Murders; The 11:05 Murders; The Coven Murders; The Dark Web Murders; and, The Trafficking Murders (just published.)  The first four have all won awards. 

Connect with Brian O’Hare via the Author's Website
and on Facebook

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