Today, we'd like to feature five must read blogs for Indie Authors. These blogs offer tons of tips on writing, self-publishing, interviews with authors, resources, videos and more. Please, let us know in the comments to this post which blogs on writing you follow and would like to see recommended on this site. Please, tell us also if you like the must read blogs featured below.
Wordplay by K.M. Weiland
Blog with lots of Writing Tips and Information for Authors. Topics like
- Most Common Mistakes Series
- Don't even think about to write in first person, unless...
- To outline or not to outline
- How to describe your characters
- How to do Dialogue
The blog is updated three to four times a week and includes video posts form K.M. Weiland like this one about writing in first person...
About K.M. Weiland
K.M. Weiland grew up chasing Billy the Kid and Jesse James on horseback through the sand hills of western Nebraska, where she still lives. A lifelong fan of history and the power of the written word, she enjoys sharing both through her novels and short stories. She blogs at 'Wordplay: Helping Writers Become Authors' and 'AuthorCulture', where she mentors other authors and shares the ups and downs of the writing life.
K.M. Weiland is the author of the books Behold the Dawn and A Man Called OutlawYou can connect with K.M. Weiland via the website or Twitter: @kmweiland
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The Creative Penn by Joanna Penn
Almost daily updated blog with lots of resources and tips for writers. Interviews with Indie Authors and Topics like
- Author as Entrepreneur
- eBooks and Technology
- Marketing for Indie Authors
- Writing, editing, and re-writing
- Creativity and Writing
The Creative Penn has a weekly blogcasts which you can listen to or download from the site or via iTunes.
Have a look at the welcome Video to the site:
About Joanna Penn
Joanna Penn is an author, blogger, speaker and business consultant based in London, England although she has lived in Australia and New Zealand for the last 11 years. She always dreamed of writing her own books, and spent many years thinking about it before I actually took the plunge.
Joanna self-published last year the thriller Pentecost as eBook and Paperback. The book has great reviews on Amazon. Her second book in the Arkane Series Prophecy is now also available as eBook and received some great reviews.
You can connect with Joanna Penn via the website or Twitter: @thecreativepenn
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Catherine, Caffeinated - Catherine Ryan Howard
Catherine Ryan Howard blogs about all topics interesting for Indie Authors, being an Indie Author herself, like
- self-publishing / self-printing
- social media for Indie Authors
- book covers
- eBooks
This is a video from Catherine's website about using CreateSpace for your Paperback print
About Catherine Ryan Howard
Catherine Ryan Howard is a 29-year-old writer, blogger and coffee enthusiast from Cork, Ireland.
Prior to recklessly quitting her job pushing paper in the depths of administrative hell so she could pursue her writerly dreams, Catherine administrated things in the Netherlands, cleaned things on a French campsite and was a front desk agent in a Walt Disney World hotel in Orlando, Florida.
Catherine Ryan Howard has self-published...
- Mousetrapped: about her experience of one year (and a bit) in Orlando, FL working at Walt Disney World
- Backpacked: Travel Memoir about Catherine exploring Central America
- Self-Printed: A self-publishing guide
- Results Not Typical - A Novel: The Devil Wears Prada meets Weightwatchers and chick-lit meets corporate satire in the debut novel.
You can connect with Catherine Ryan Howard via the website or Twitter: @cathryanhoward
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The Independent Publisher Magazine
The Independent Publishing Magazine focuses on casting an objective mind on the global publishing from the perspective of an author considering the possibility of publishing their book outside of mainstream channels. Mick Rooney reviewed all paid-publishing services, offered by author solutions services, printers and more recently paid-publishing services from large publishing houses like Thomas Nelson and Harlequin.
Mick Rooney provides articles on the changing word of publishing, with a particular focus on digital publishing and the latest innovations and models of business operating in the industry. The site is intended for authors and publishers alike.

Find lots of information about independent publishing houses, self-publishing providers, latest trends and statistics.
About Mick Rooney
Mick Rooney is a publishing consultant and has written many informative and illuminating articles about the changing and complex world of the publishing industry, including the book, To Self-Publishing or Not to Self-Publish.
He is currently editor and researcher at The Independent Publishing Magazine and writes a monthly column for the UK's largest magazine on writing, Writers' Forum.
You can connect with Mick Rooney via his website or on Google+
About Mick Rooney
Mick Rooney is a publishing consultant and has written many informative and illuminating articles about the changing and complex world of the publishing industry, including the book, To Self-Publishing or Not to Self-Publish.
He is currently editor and researcher at The Independent Publishing Magazine and writes a monthly column for the UK's largest magazine on writing, Writers' Forum.
You can connect with Mick Rooney via his website or on Google+
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This blog features, next to writer's resources and Guest posts on writing, a collection of thesauri just for writers. You will find:
An Emotion Thesaurus, listing all the possible actions for characters to express to show an particular emotion
A Setting Thesaurus, listing all the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touches of popular settings used in novels and stories
A Symbolism, Weather, Color, Texture and Shape Thesaurus, which explores a database of comparisons for finding the perfect simile or metaphor
The Thesauri are being expanded with new entries and updated regularly and you won't find find just similes or metaphors but also examples, positives/negatives and Cliches to Avoid.
About Angela Ackerman
Angela Ackerman is a thirty-something writer living in Calgary, Alberta, which is nestled close enough to the Rockies to go on a day jaunt, but not so close as to be pummeled by snow and excruciating cold temperatures in the winter months. Despite being Canadian, she lives in a house, not an igloo, she refuses to wear toques (they mess with my hair, yo) and she generally travels by truck, rather than moose or ATVs or beavers or whatever other things the outside world suspects. A colder climate may ruin her tan, but it will come in handy during the Zombie Apocalypse, which Angela eagerly anticipates. There's nothing better than a little frost to slow down those groaning monstrosities, allowing her the time to finish a leisurely caramel latte before breaking out the crow bar.
This blog features, next to writer's resources and Guest posts on writing, a collection of thesauri just for writers. You will find:
An Emotion Thesaurus, listing all the possible actions for characters to express to show an particular emotion
A Setting Thesaurus, listing all the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and touches of popular settings used in novels and stories
A Symbolism, Weather, Color, Texture and Shape Thesaurus, which explores a database of comparisons for finding the perfect simile or metaphor
The Thesauri are being expanded with new entries and updated regularly and you won't find find just similes or metaphors but also examples, positives/negatives and Cliches to Avoid.

About Angela Ackerman
Angela Ackerman is a thirty-something writer living in Calgary, Alberta, which is nestled close enough to the Rockies to go on a day jaunt, but not so close as to be pummeled by snow and excruciating cold temperatures in the winter months. Despite being Canadian, she lives in a house, not an igloo, she refuses to wear toques (they mess with my hair, yo) and she generally travels by truck, rather than moose or ATVs or beavers or whatever other things the outside world suspects. A colder climate may ruin her tan, but it will come in handy during the Zombie Apocalypse, which Angela eagerly anticipates. There's nothing better than a little frost to slow down those groaning monstrosities, allowing her the time to finish a leisurely caramel latte before breaking out the crow bar.
You can connect with Angela Ackerman via the website or Twitter: @AngelaAckerman
About Becca Puglisi
Becca Puglisi is a YA writer who lives in south Florida and, ironically, hates the weather. During hurricane season, you can find her cursing the heat, stalking Jim Cantore, and adding to her stash of emergency supplies.
When not writing, Becca's life revolves around her husband and two adorable little blessings.
You can connect with Becca Puglisi via the website or Twitter: @beccapuglisi
About Becca Puglisi
Becca Puglisi is a YA writer who lives in south Florida and, ironically, hates the weather. During hurricane season, you can find her cursing the heat, stalking Jim Cantore, and adding to her stash of emergency supplies.
When not writing, Becca's life revolves around her husband and two adorable little blessings.
You can connect with Becca Puglisi via the website or Twitter: @beccapuglisi
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Thanks for the links. I'm really liking the Bookshelf Muse.
I'm delighted to say that Joanna will be my Easter Sunday interviewee... no.333 :)
Thanks for connecting with me on twitter and the links here. I love finding more blogs about writing and publishing. I'm pretty new to the business and have lots to learn. S>
You might also consider The Write Stuff ( - a good source for newbie (and not-so newbie) authors trying to learn the ropes.
I am thrilled to see K.M. Weiland as a recommendation for Indies. There is another blogger I would like to mention - Chris Henderson The Write Chris @ She like to run series, interviews and have guest bloggers as well. Take a look :)
I'd recommend adding Bob Mayer's site at Write it Foraward -
He keeps up with a lot of the epublished trends, and is doing very well as an indy author.
Thanks so much for including us! One of these blog I didn't know about, so I'm off to check it out! :)
Hooked on Catherine, Caffeinated - wise and experienced and very good company!
So pleased to see you guys on this list! :)
Thanks for the tweet on this [how I came here, in case you are interested].
And thanks for posting this list!
I'll have to link a blog post to it. I just recently did couple of blog posts on the Bookshelf Muse as well. Great site!
Thanks for posting this! [and tweeting about it!]
Fantastic list. I subscribe to most of these. I'll have to check out The Bookshelf Muse. You should also check out Duolit. Love their advice for indie authors. You can find their blog at I also really love Write to Done:
Wow, thanks for including The Bookshelf Muse on your list. I haven't been to The Independent Publisher Magazine yet, so I'll be checking that out.
Alan, thanks for including TIPM.
Aww, Dara, you're too kind, as always. Don't forget about Wise, Ink (, too! Every post there is gold :-)
Tons of great blogs here, everyone. Thanks for sharing your favorites!
Hi I would also suggest - possibly the most info-rich site I have ever come across.
Wow! Thank you so much. I'm honored to be named among so many other great blogs. You've just made my day!
Excellent list! Thanks! I'll be following them all regularly!
By the way, I'm a freelance editor and my craft-of-fiction articles appear regularly on my blog plus once or twice a month on five other popular blogs.
Great list. I was surprised not to see Anne R. Allen's blog on the list. She offers heaps of good information for authors (indie or big six).
BOTH of you are great! I recommend you to people whenever SP raises it's head in a convo. x
Really great list, some names I know like Joanna Penn & Catherine Ryan Howard but always refreshing to discover new sites and people too.
I would definitely like to recommend Duo-Lit and Wise Ink to others too:
Friendly, open-minded sites who have been a source of support and inspiration to me as a debut novelist : )
I'd like to recommend Indies Unlimited. We've got some great how-to articles for indies.
Thanks for the links. My favorite blog for writing skill advice is Mary Carroll Moore's
Love this list of blogs! Thanks very much!
Some great suggestions here! Thanks so much for the great blogs to stop off and check out :) Sally
Thanks to Angela Ackerman for the link to this site!
I'll be returning often :)
I've enjoyed a couple of these blogs greatly over the past few months. Good to see hard work garnering rightful recognition.
I've enjoyed a couple of these blogs greatly over the past few months. Good to see hard work garnering rightful recognition.
Happy to get the Emotions Thesaurus. Looking forward to exploring all these blogs. Thanks for the links.
Glad to have found this site. It means a lot that recommendations are for worthiness rather than idle backings. Useful links here.
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