Indie Author Interview with Chad Hofmann - Author of the Horror, Paranormal, and Science-Fiction Anthology The Bird Room.
Chad Hofmann is a fiction author from Virginia, and The Bird Room is his second published work. His first book, Helena, is a young adult fantasy fiction book and the second in his series, Jack-o and the amulet.
Interview with Chad Hofmann
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Author Chad Hofmann |
Chad Hofmann: I have been writing as far back as I can remember (like every other author in the world huh?). As far as my professional writing background The Bird Room is my second book, the first book, Helena, is the second book in my young adult fiction series, Jack-o and the Amulet, and is currently being re-worked and will be re-released this fall sometime with a new cover, in paperback as well as ebook format.
Who are your favorite writers, your favorite books, and who or what are your writing influences?
I have to say my favorite author right now is Stephen King. I love the way he tells stories and paints pictures in the reader's imagination. My other favorites and influences include, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Edgar Allen Poe, Dean Koontz, and the list could go on and on.
When did you first know that you wanted to be a writer?
I have always been writing, the oldest journal I have is from second grade, but the day I knew for sure I wanted to write books professionally was when I was nine years old. We had a guest author named Ralph Fletcher come speak to our fourth grade class, with the class and on my own I had read a ton of his books, he sat and talked to me about my writing for a bit before he left the school. That was the day I knew writing is what I would do for the rest of my life.
Do you remember the first story you ever wrote?
I don't know exactly, I used to write a lot of poetry when I was younger. I do remember one story I wrote after my mom got me a typewriter as a boy, it was one page and was about some sort of werewolf. I don't remember anything else about the story except that it scared me and I put it away somewhere and never found it again.
"[...] like to devote my full attention and imagination to this story"
Tell us about your writing process. Do you have a writing routine?
I like to be in my house, by myself when I write. Not because I am anti-social, I just like to devote my full attention and imagination to this story that is unfolding in my head. I normally put on some sort of classical music in the background and let my mind wander.
Please, describe your desk/workplace.
My work space is the sofa in my living room, back porch, or bedroom. If I don't need the computer then I will take a notebook and write somewhere outside.
What do you find easiest about writing? What the hardest?
I think the easiest thing about writing for me is the writing part of it, it's like a movie and a puzzle all in one. I get to watch the reel play in my head while I write it and when I come to a crossroads in the story I get to choose from an infinite list of things that could happen. As for the hardest thing, I think it is just finding the time to write amongst the hundreds of other things on my to do list.
"It's a pretty cool feeling, creating something."
What is the greatest joy of writing for you?
I love to tell stories. I have a big imagination and writing fiction is just something that seems natural, especially when you write one of those stories, that when you finish it your just like, "Whoa, that's pretty awesome, and it came out of my head." It's a pretty cool feeling, creating something.
Chad, please tell us a little about your Horror/Paranormal anthology The Bird Room.
The Bird Room is a collection of 17 tales of horror, the paranormal, and the unknown. This anthology will chill the soul and leave the reader wondering... what if? These are stories that I have written over the past five years or so, some are very short while others are a bit longer, making it easy for anyone to find a good read. Whether on the go, or at home with your feet up.
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The Bird Room (Chad Hofmann) |
What inspired you to write the book?
I have been thinking about publishing a collection of short stories for years. I always had this stack of stories that I liked all over the place in my many different homes and it distracted me from my writing. I would sit down to write something new and my mind would always wander back to one of these stories. So I decided to end it once and for all, polish all the stories up, fill in any holes, and make a book.
Who do you see as your target audience and where can we buy the book?
For this book the target audience is strange, people who enjoy horror seem to like it, but there are also just some strange stories that leave the reader thinking that lots of people have liked quite a bit so far. I guess though if I had to classify my audience it would be adults who enjoy the horror/paranormal genre, and it will be available on July 7th through most major online retailers and will be making it's way into book stores soon after.
What makes your book special?
Well obviously it is the most special and amazing book ever produced because I did it right? Just kidding. I think what makes my book special is that it's just a book full of good stories. No deep message hidden in the words, no agenda that is meant to change the way people think about life, just good stories. When I was a boy my grandmother would tell me and my brother stories every night and I remember those times and remember how sometimes you just let a short story take you away, this book is kind of like that I think.
How would you describe the success of your book so far?
It's going pretty well, so far the reviews have been mostly positive, and the people who I have given pre-release copies to all seem to enjoy it for the most part.
How long did it take it to write the book?
Most of these stories have been written over the past 5ish years. As for how long it took me to get everything together and make myself stop changing things it has been just under a year.
"Just write. [...] Then write something else."
Can you give some advice for other Authors regarding the writing process?
Just write. And when you are done writing something, tell everyone you know about it, then tell everyone they know about it. Then write something else.
Are you working on another book project? Can you tell us a little about it?
I am indeed I have a couple unnamed projects, one about a robot and one about some kids, but the first thing that you will see from me will be the re-release of my first book Helena. It is the second in my young adult series Jack-o and the amulet, and is currently only available as an ebook. It's a good book that I enjoy a lot but I was young(er) when I published it and it looks like it. I have a new cover and will be going through the story and re-working anything I feel like is necessary.
Where do you see the book market in 5 or 10 years? Will there be only eBooks and will book stores disappear like record stores disappeared?
I think that there will never be only ebooks. As many people as there are who love ebooks, many agree the feeling of a book in your hand is part of the reading experience. However if physical books started disappearing and became a precious commodity that might make for an interesting story.
What is your e-reading device of choice?
My phone actually (when I do e-read. I'm one of those hold the book kind of guys).
Do you write full-time or do you have a day job? When you're not writing, how do you spend your time?
I have a full-time job that isn't writing, I work in the restaurant industry by night and write by day. When I 'm not writing I am usually out and about or just hanging out at the house with my girlfriend or brother and our dogs.
How can readers connect with you?
Readers can contact me through my website (, email (, Facebook (, Twitter (@chadh1234) or through some good old fashioned smoke signals.
Thank you very much for the Interview, Chad.
About the Book The Bird Room
The Bird Room includes seventeen tales of horror, the paranormal, and the unknown. These stories are sure to chill the soul and leave the reader wondering... what if?
Eli threw open the door and stood shocked. Behind the door Eli saw two men. One was in a bathtub with red ice surrounding his blue body, and beside him a man was sitting on a stool next to a table. The table had many brownish-red lumps piled in a bloody heap, and on top of the pile was the distinct shape of a human tongue. The man sitting next to the bathtub turned and looked at Eli, his eyes were sunken and he had patches of missing hair where it had been pulled out. His lips parted in a crazy smile revealing a large number of broken teeth, and he pointed the scalpel he held in his blood-covered hand at Eli.
“It’s too late for him too,” said the man in a high-pitched voice, drooling in anticipation, like a dog with a bone. Eli stood frozen, his brain issued a hundred different commands that his body would not obey. The man let out bone chilling cackle and, with lightning quickness, sunk the blade of the scalpel into Eli’s left thigh. The pain hit Eli like a train and he was instantly brought back to reality. He looked over at the parrot, who was now calm and quiet. Its mysterious gray eyes connected with Eli’s, and he felt as if the bird was staring into his soul. Eli turned and ran through the open door as fast as his pain infused leg would let him; he got into his room and threw the door closed behind him. Frantic, Eli looked around the room and went to the dresser, he pushed the large chest of drawers in front of the bedroom door and fell to the floor next to his bed.
-Excerpt, The Bird Room
"Wow! I am speechless! This book was AWESOME! Every story had the right amount of detail, suspense and twist. The writers style of writing was impeccable. I found this book very hard to put down; I seriously could not put my galaxy S5 down, not even for a second. I found myself a little creeped out at night while walking the empty halls in my home just because of the short stories within this book. I tried to think of a favorite that I had after reading The Bird Room but it was just so hard. Every story drew me inside of the pages and I became apart of every word on the page [...]" - Reader Review
Link to the Book
Link to the Book The Bird Room on Goodreads