5-STAR Fantasy / Sci-Fi

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Featured Indie Book: Take One With You (Oak Anderson)

Take One With You (Oak Anderson)
Featured Indie Book on Indie Author News: Crime Thriller Take One With You by Oak Anderson.

Take One With You is a unique crime thriller/millennial love story that poses the question: If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, would you kill someone tonight? Someone who had done something terrible.
Someone who deserved to die. If so, who would it be? If you wouldn't go that far, what about your neighbor? Your friend? Your enemy? Who draws the line? Who decides who lives and who dies? And what if we all began to take justice into our own hands?

The Book has been self-published via Amazon and is available as eBook and Paperback - released in February 2014.

About the Book

Murder Goes Viral!

Charlie and Sarah, two disaffected teens dealing with depression, meet in an online chatroom and soon hatch a plan to bring meaning to their lives by encouraging other despondent individuals to help eradicate the "scum of society", such as pedophiles and rapists who have escaped justice. Anyone determined to commit suicide is urged to first kill someone who "got away with it" before taking their own life. Why not, they ask, "take one with you?"

The idea goes viral and things rapidly spiral out of control. As they develop feelings for each other, their worldwide followers begin to enact a very different version of their idea, perverting its original intent and threatening the thin line between civil society and criminal anarchy. Just as they find the hope of happiness together, Charlie and Sarah must deal with the monster they've created, a global epidemic of murder-suicide that threatens the very core of their humanity.

Take One With You (Oak Anderson)
Click to Read an Excerpt

Reviews (Excerpts)

- "Very well written, I couldn't put the book down. The idea to Take one with you was disturbing at first but to rid the world of scum and the power of the internet kept me very interested. I would like to see this at a theater one day!" - Silvia Stouffer

- "What a great read! Took it on a plane to read and for the first time ever I didn't want the flight to be over because I didn't want to put it down. It was disturbing and exciting! The background of the characters brought them to life. I will recommend this book to all my friends. 5 stars for sure!" - Becca Mitchell

- "This was a very intense read for me. Mr. Anderson takes you through each character individually, intertwining them in such a way that his fiction could easily be a reality. You feel their pain through their experiences and you understand why the series of events unfold for them they way they do. I had no idea what to expect when I started reading and to say I was impressed by this debut novel would be an understatement! Kudos to you Mr. Anderson!" - Cindy (Amazon)

- "I could really feel the passion in this book, the meaning behind the story. It tabled many true life situations, and how mental issues are real. Was a great read...fantastic writing, looking forward to the next book! " - Heather Dollman

About the Author

Author Oak Anderson
Author Oak Anderson

Oak Anderson is an author, artist, and marketing strategist.

His imagination has taken him to places he couldn't help but note down, eventually crafting his ideas into a thought provoking story.

After stealing minutes here and there over the last few years, he eventually completed his first fiction novel, Take One With You.

Links to the Author and the Book

Connect with the Author via Facebook

Connect with the Author via Twitter: @OakAnderson1

Link to the Paperback Take One With You on Amazon with Excerpt

Link to the eBook Take One With You on Amazon with Excerpt

Take One With You (Oak Anderson)