5-STAR Fantasy / Sci-Fi

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

New Indie Book Release: Adduné - The House of Cards (Wendy Potocki)

New Indie Book Release:
Adduné II: The House of Cards - Wendy Potocki -
Horror / Gothic Thriller (November 14, 2012)

“A New Standard for the Vampire Genre!"

About the Book

Adduné - The House of Cards (Wendy Potocki)
Click to Read an Excerpt
A missing heiress. A family friend desperate for answers. The senseless destruction of an antique. A young Gypsy willing to risk everything for love. A retired Scotland Yard Inspector intent on solving an old crime. Two mothers mourning the deaths of children. A father bent on retaliation and revenge. A drug dealing bandit enlisted to track down a ghost. A psychic offering information becoming a target instead.

A $1,000,000 no questions asked reward.

Hidden behind the walls of the past, Miranda Perry fights to bring her family back together and right a wrong. Driven by one burning desire, she vows to kill the vampire named Peter Adduné.

“ 'Adduné' 2 captures the true spirit of what a sequel should be. The writing was eloquent, and the overall book well-edited. The characters, both new and old, were endearing, the various locations visited throughout the plot intriguing, and the ending left me primed for part 3 of the trilogy[...]” - Reader Review

About the Author

Author Wendy Potocki
Author Wendy Potocki
Wendy Potocki lives and writes in NYC. If that isn't scary enough, she writes in the genre of horror. She feels creating good horror is an art form. She religiously devotes herself to pursuing it over hill and dale … and in the crevices of her keyboard.

She has five self-published novels: The White Lady Murders, The Horns of September, The Man with the Blue Hat, Adduné: Part I. The Vampire's Game, and Adduné: Part II. The House of Cards. Book trailers for many of her works may be found on her official website. Her next planned projects are Black Adagio, The Virgin, and ZaSo.

In her spare time, she loves to go for long walks; drink Starbuck's Apple Chai lattes; make devotional offerings to her cat named Persephone; and be stilled by the grace, beauty, and magic of ballet.

The Author about Adduné:
"The Adduné trilogy is much more than a tale of horror. I very much believe in the concept of the genre being a huge, delicious excuse for an over-the-top morality tale. Although meant as entertainment, Adduné definitely fits that description.

This saga delves into the dark mysteries of the mind, and the effects of what happens to it when set upon by evil. A fictional representation of the Dark Night of the Soul, it’s a definitive psychological study of what happens when a prevailing darkness enters one’s life—or in this case—is invited in."

Connect with Wendy Potocki via Twitter @WPotocki
and the Author's Website.