5-STAR Fantasy / Sci-Fi

Friday, April 17, 2015

New Indie Book Release: Dare 2 Believe (D.H. Aire)

New Indie Book Release:
Dare 2 Believe - D.H. Aire
Urban Fantasy (250 pages - March 2015)

Dare 2 Believe is not your typical urban fantasy. Dare is an action adventure, a twist on meta fiction, a blend of fantasy and science fiction, and a satire.

About the Book

Dare 2 Believe (D.H. Aire)
Click to Read an Excerpt
I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for any of my fans to turn into elves, dwarves, trolls, shape changers, or sword wielding women bodyguards.

How was I to know that allowing readers to become the spirit behind their favorite characters in my fantasy series – about a distant world where magic defeated science – would, well, literally bring about the end of the world as we know it.

Well, that just means that those who Dare 2 Believe like you and I, and other fans, young and old, okay, formerly old, may be our only hope against the rising evil that schemes to destroy us.

I just fear it may already be too late.

About the Author

D.H. Aire has walked the ramparts of the Old City of Jerusalem and through an escape tunnel of a Crusader fortress that Richard the Lionheart once called home. He's toured archeological sites that were hundreds, if not thousands of years old... experiences that have found expression in his writing of his epic fantasy Highmage's Plight Series and his new Dare 2 Believe Series.

A collection of D.H. Aire's short stories appear in the anthology, Flights of Fantasy, Vol. 1. Aire's short story Crossroads of Sin appears in the anthology, RealLies. His story Running on Selyn, Alone will appear in the first Sime~Gen anthology coming out in Spring 2015.

Connect with D.H. Aire via the Author's Website
and on Twitter: @Dare2Believe1.

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